Study in the UK
Hundreds of thousands of international students study in the UK each year, giving the UK a consistently high ranking in popularity. With a diverse population and a reputation for prestigious schooling, the UK is a natural location for international students to flock to. And for students worldwide seeking an English-language education, what better place to study than the country that invented the language?
With an excellent higher-education system and hundreds of world-class universities, the UK promises a rich experience for international students. Our Study UK resource is intended to help you learn more about studying in the UK as an international student, and includes sections on choosing the UK as a destination, choosing a location within the UK, learning more about the country, its history and culture, and adapting to life in your adopted country.
Study in the USA
The USA has the world’s largest international student population, with more than 1,000,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience in the United States. Nearly 5% of all students enrolled in higher-level education in the USA are international students, and the numbers are growing. From the mid-1950’s, when international student enrollment was only just reaching 35,000, international education in the USA has come a long way.
We look forward to helping students like you who are considering continuing education in the United States. You will find all the tools you need to compile your necessary research in deciding if the United States is the best place for you — we have gathered valuable information on educational, social, cultural and economic aspects of studying in the U.S.
Study in Australia
For students interested in studying in Australia, our Team of GCRD is designed to keep you informed on what to expect down under. There are thousands of courses offered, and this guide is ideal in helping you from beginning to end. The Australian school search can help you find the right school, our resource pages will help you study, work, and live in Australia, and we even have information on what to expect after graduation. Find all you need to know about studying in OZ.
Why Study in Australia?
Australia promotes innovation, creativity, and independent thinking throughout its universities. International students who study and live in Australia soon find that their education is challenging, fun, and rewarding. As an international student in Australia, you can expect to live, grow, and learn in a young, friendly country full of opportunities. For those international students who successfully complete their degree, they will soon find that they are competitive in today’s international job market.
Study in Canada
Canada has become a booming hub for international students whose dreams include remaining in the country in which they complete their studies. No longer an overlooked global destination to earn a degree, Canada also offers a direct path to permanent citizenship - an option many international students seek. Canada has ranked as one of the top ten places to live in the world for over twenty years, and boasts an education system ranked among the best.
Canada is an increasingly popular option for students who seek and require a less expensive alternative to studying internationally than they might find in the US. Canadian universities are now providing equally prestigious degrees as those in the US, often at a more affordable cost.
Canadians place a great amount of importance on learning, and standards in education in Canada are uniformly high. There are almost 100 universities in Canada.